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The Daily Huddle: 50 Front Pages about your Business

Watch John Ratliff explain why he thinks the Daily Huddle is his key to growing his company 30x.
Written by Chuck GolderAugust 20, 2019
Est. Reading: 3 minutes

I’m super biased around this one. I think the most important thing that comes out of our two and a half day sessions or CEO boot camp or anytime a coach is in front of a client, is this idea of the daily huddle. I built my organization, we went 30x from the day we started till the day we sold the company using Rockefeller habits, 3000% growth. There’s no way it happens without this one discipline, which is the Daily Huddle.

Imagine every morning you got the front page from the 50 biggest newspapers, and all you did was read those headlines. How dialed in you would you be to what is happening around the U.S. This is the same thing - the daily huddle is your opportunity.

Of all the things we teach, literally of all the things in Scaling up and the Rockefeller habits, I truly believe that the daily huddle is the single most important piece to take away

So, the first thing in the daily huddle, its’ one rotation around, “What’s the number 1 thing you are working on today?”, and what you are really looking for as the leader is patterns in that data. And then, if you have some KPI’s that you report, there are some things that are really important to hear every single day in terms of metrics and things that you measure. So, you report out on those couple KPI’s every day. 

Again, no discussion back and forth, this isn’t a 45-minute meeting where you get into long drawn out conversations. It’s truly a statusing updating meeting. So, you’ve updated your number 1 priority, you’ve updated a couple KPI’s, and then the last piece is the "Stucks" section. So, you go around again- and it can be more than one, it shouldn’t be fifteen, but what are the one or two things that are constraining you, that are in your way- that are hurdles to you getting your number 1 priority done. And again, no in-depth discussions about those stucks. If I have a solution to your stuck, I may say “hey, catch up with me after. I think I can help you out on that stuck you reported out on. Let’s spend 5 minutes on it.” 

It’s just a collective way for everyone to feel like they are growing this company together. They’re part of something bigger than themselves and they’re in the know, they’re in the loop, they’re up to speed on what’s going on in the business. It is such a powerful communication rhythm. And, our rule of thumb was, every minute that you spent in a huddle, in a daily huddle, should save you 10 minutes in your work day. So, if your daily huddle is 8 minutes that should be 80 minutes of savings in your work day. Simply by avoiding all that back and forth, kinda asynchronous communication. This is a way to sync up once a day and get everyone on the same page.

Of all the things we teach, literally of all the things in Scaling up and the Rockefeller habits, I truly believe that the daily huddle is the single most important piece to take away.

Written By Chuck Golder

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