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10 Reasons why Coworking is the Future of Office Space

Written by Chuck GolderMarch 5, 2021
Est. Reading: 3 minutes

The concept of sharing isn’t exactly the trend these days; however, the idea of shared office space continues to claim its dominance as the future for work settings. As the initial glow of working from home continues to fade, more and more professionals are eager to unveil normalcy 2.0. So what is it about coworking spaces that is so attractive to so many flocking professionals?

Let us set the scene-

It is a Tuesday morning, and you are awakened by the dread of the mile long ‘to do’ list that awaits your attention. No post-it note in the world is large enough to capture your day’s upcoming responsibilities. A smile emerges on your face when you realize that you just signed a membership to a utopia of productivity- a shared workspace community. You exit the house and shut the door snubbing all the household chores and nudging pets that obsessively pollute your workday focus. You are hit with the aroma of fresh hot coffee as you enter the glass doors of the beautiful office space. You wipe the drool from under your mask and turn to be greeted by a friendly staff member who is there with the purpose to make your day as comfortable as possible. After grabbing your artisan coffee infused with fancy flavored creamers, you turn to see an angelic light radiating off a corner desk. Not only is your chair as comfortable as the recliner that you pay full ticket price just to relax in at the Movie Tavern, but an outlet is conveniently positioned by your setup to guarantee a full charge for your device throughout the day. With your dependable electrical access and blaring internet speed, your pit crew is ready for you to get in gear. Mid-morning hunger didn’t faze your focus with the unlimited access to a complimentary café that is fully stocked with beverages and snacks.

As the distraction-free day continues, you relocate to a ‘boss-style’ conference room that is fully equipped with fancy (yet user friendly) technology that puts you in the best of light for your afternoon zoom conference with your top account. Later that afternoon, you pat yourself on the back after you manage to land a huge deal with a fellow member that you happen to meet when retrieving documents from the printer. As the workday ends and your “to do” list is released into the shredder with a satisfying cackle (for the dramatic effect), you decide an adult beverage (or two) is warranted. The glow of the fridge lures you into the café where you crack open a cold craft beer. You plop down into the comfortable sofa in the lounge and realize how wonderful and valuable your coworking workspace membership truly is. “I wonder how my laundry rotation at home is doing?”- thought no member ever.

Now that we painted the picture, here are ten reasons why we can expect the popularity of shared workspaces to continue to rise!

  1. Flexibility– Desk space as needed, when needed, with month-to-month membership options. With 24/7 access, members can work around their life schedule rather than live life around their work schedule.
  2. Convenience– With everything else taken care of members can direct their attention in what truly matters, their business.
  3. Technology – High-def cameras for video streaming, interactive presentation screens, and printing/scanning machines, members are equipped with the tools to be on top of their digital game.
  4. Networking- Surrounded by fellow thought leaders of many different industries, members connect with fellow members professionally and socially.
  5. Focus- Coworking spaces are designed with productivity in mind. The layouts and furniture selection deliver both functionality and comfort to yield productivity.
  6. Onsite Resources– Printing, copying, scanning, videography, conference rooms and more. Members have the support to drive success with a roster of valuable on-site resources.
  7. Maintenance Free– Work on your business and not in your business. From snow removal, repairs to thorough daily cleaning, members cattle their attention to their work and leave the ongoing office operations to the community managers.
  8. Client WOW Factor – Coworking spaces are in the business of providing an atmosphere. Members impress their clients and prospects in an attractive space that serves as an extension of their brand.
  9. Affordability- Why sign a lease when you can join a month-to-month membership? The inclusions involved in coworking space membership delivers great value to small business owners and entrepreneurs.
  10. Routine– “Honey, I’m home!” members love the routine and separation that accompanies with the schedule of going into the office.

Align.Space is Chester County’s premiere location for coworking, shared office space, private offices, conference rooms, production studio, and private events. Located in a renovated historic building in the heart of downtown West Chester, our stylish space features three floors of productive space. Come and tour to learn more about our flexible membership options and how we can bring value and convenience to your work.


Written By Chuck Golder

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